Aim of the Assembly
- to promote and defend whatever is for the common good
- to contribute more effectively to the common good of the Universal Church
- to promote the well-being of the family of nations by drawing on the cultural riches of the peoples of Oceania
- to give visible expression to the unity in diversity with which the Holy Spirit has endowed the Particular Churches in the various nations of Oceania
- to deepen the collegial spirit and to strengthen solidarity (synodality) among the members of the four-member Conferences
Click on the link to learn more about the assembly or follow the program below.
Online Preparatory Event
Here are some videos to watch as we prepare towards the upcoming assembly.
Session 1: Shorelines and Coasts – https://vimeo.com/782768422/b79beb097b
Session 2: Deep Sea – https://vimeo.com/783090047/b14e950c5c
Session 3: Islands – https://vimeo.com/783109102/ba577efcf2
CEPAC Synod Synthesis
We are conscious that the Pacific Ocean gives an identity to the various dioceses of CEPAC. We begin by expressing an appreciation of the Ocean in the creation story. It is our desire to protect this part of God’s creation, as the wellbeing of our people depends on the ocean in so many ways. In some of our countries the major threat is the ocean as changes in climate have drastic outcomes for the actual survival of these countries. Click on the link to read more.
Catholic Bishops Conference of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands National Synthesis
The Catholic Bishops Conference of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands (PNGSI) comprises of 19 Dioceses in PNG and 3 Dioceses in the Solomon Islands. Most of the dioceses took the opportunity to hold the “Diocesan Synod”; some dioceses had “Diocesan Assembly” and some dioceses combined with other “Diocesan Celebration and Synodal Process”. Click on the link to read more.
Synod of Bishops Australian Synthesis
The official Opening of the Synod of Bishops in the local Churches took place on Sunday 17 October 2021 in dioceses across the country. A national working committee was established to assist the implementation of the Synod of Bishops process in the dioceses and by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC). As well as assisting with the development of Synod resources, the working committee oversaw the work of the ACBC National Centre for Pastoral Research (NCPR), which provided national coordination for the Australian Synod of Bishops processes. Click on the link to read more.
NZCBC National Synod Synthesis
In his opening address to the Synod of Bishops on Young People in October 2018, Pope Francis told participants that “humility in listening must correspond to courage in speaking”. He invited the participants to speak with courage and frankness (parrhesia).
His words were taken to heart in our dioceses during the diocesan pre-Synodal process over the last year. Our people have spoken with frankness and humility about their shared journey as the People of God. We may not agree with everything they have said, but we want their voices to be heard. As Pope Francis said to the Synod on Young People “only dialogue can help us grow”. Click on the link to read more.