FCBCO Latest News


Aim of the Assembly
To enhance the FCBCO Goals (refer to FCBCO constitution Appendix 1).
1. to promote and defend whatever is for the common good;
2. to contribute more effectively to the common good of the Universal Church;
3. to promote the well-being of the family of nations by drawing on the cultural riches of the peoples of Oceania;
4. to give visible expression to the unity in diversity with which the Holy Spirit has endowed the Particular Churches in the various nations of Oceania;
5. to deepen the collegial spirit and to strengthen solidarity (synodality) among the members of the four-member Conferences

To access the Assembly Program Click on the Link below



We are conscious that the Pacific Ocean gives an identity to the various dioceses of CEPAC. We begin by expressing an appreciation of the Ocean in the creation story. To access the CEPAC Synthesis click on the LINK.

Catholic Bishops Conference of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands National Synthesis

The culmination of the Synodal Process from the Dioceses was the “General Assembly of the Catholic Church of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands” held in Mingende, Simbu, Diocese of Kundiawa on 21-26 April 2022. To access the Synthesis for the PNG and Solomon conference click on the LINK.


There were six strong themes in the diocesan
syntheses and in the National Pre-Synodal Gathering
– Inclusion, Gathering, Leadership, Education and
Formation, Mission, and Synodality and Change.
There were also three cross-cutting themes – the role of women, biculturalism, and abuse in the Church.

To access the New Zealand Conference National Synthesis click on the link below


The Synod of Bishops process in Australia

  1. The official Opening of the Synod of Bishops in the local Churches took place on Sunday 17 October 2021 in dioceses across the country. A national working committee was established to assist the implementation of the Synod of Bishops process in the dioceses and by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC). As well as assisting with the development of Synod resources, the working committee oversaw the work of the
    ACBC National Centre for Pastoral Research (NCPR), which provided national coordination for the Australian Synod of Bishops processes.

To access the Australian Bishops Synthesis click on the link below


Catholic Bishops Conference of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands National Synthesis

The culmination of the Synodal Process from the Dioceses was the “General Assembly of the Catholic Church of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands” held in Mingende, Simbu, Diocese of Kundiawa on 21-26 April 2022. To access the Synthesis for the PNG and Solomon conference click on the link below